MBAcademy International Business Conference, Venue: EUSS (Escola Universitaria Salesiana de Saaria), Barcelona, Spain 17-19 July 2025 Dear Colleagues, The Management and Business Academy (MBAcademy) is delighted to welcome you to International Business Conference part of Management and Business Academy philosophy and commitment to academia. The aim of MBAcademy is to bring together both academic and professional researchers, scholars and students to exchange and share their research results about all aspects of Business, Management and Marketing. In order to support and encourage interdisciplinary engagement, it is our intention to create the possibility of starting dialogues between the parallel events running during this conference. Delegates are welcome to attend up to two sessions in each of the concurrent conferences. We also propose to produce cross-over sessions between these groups. This is the call for papers for the MBAcademy International Business Conference, Venue: EUSS (Escola Universitaria Salesiana de Saaria), Barcelona, Spain on 17-19 July 2025. We are pleased to host special issues from three well-established journals, covering diverse areas such as systematic literature reviews, the convergence of digital and physical worlds, and purpose-driven branding. SPECIAL ISSUE 1- Systematic literature Reviews including conceptual papers, International Journal of Consumer Studies, CABS 22- Convergence of Digital and physical worlds: Corporate identity in the age of Metaverse, Corporate Reputation Review, CABS 13- Branding with purpose: Corporate reputation. CSR, and SDGs in advertising, International Journal of Advertising, CABS 2 This conference will provide academics and practitioners with the unique opportunity to explore and discuss International management and Managing diversity, gender, and equality in the workplace development in an open, friendly and informal atmosphere. 2 to 4 Best papers will be selected for a fast-track review and potential publication in those Special issues We would like to see profound and rigorous theoretical and managerial contributions that substantially advance and challenge existing theories used in internationalisation research and work place performance in competitive world. As such, article must be able to demonstrate clearly a significant contribution to International Management scholarship. We have no a priori preferences regarding the theoretical stance or methodological approach. We welcome papers using traditional methodologies, survey, qualitative research as well as emerging innovative approaches including the use of algorithms, contrarian case analysis and fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA). However the main emphasis is Internationalisation. All manuscripts should apply the general author guidelines for those journals. Manuscripts should not have been previously published or be under consideration by other journals. This conference will provide academics and practitioners with the unique opportunity to explore and discuss managing diversity, gender, and equality in the workplace: policies, practices, challenges and obstacles for effective continuous professional development in international context in an open, friendly and informal atmosphere. Best papers will be selected for a potential publication in the European Journal of International Management. Format for Extended Abstract Papers should follow the Conference style. English is the language of the Conference and all related publications. Length Extended abstract 1000 words. Contend Purpose and objectives of the paper Originality – what is new about it? Research methodology Findings and discussion Theoretical and practical implications Research limitations Conclusion Format for full Papers Papers should follow those journals style. English is the language of the Conference and all related publications. Journal requirements for submitted papers: Before submitting your paper to the journal special issue, you MUST ensure that you have fulfilled all of that journal’s style requirements. Consider hiring a professional copyeditor to assist with your revision if necessary. Please see the guideline for authors by clicking here. Copyediting is mandatory for acceptance for publication in elite international journals. The ISI-ranked journal Editor-in-Chief and/or publisher will reject any paper that does not meet the journal’s style requirements. KEY DATES Submission of papers and registration opens: Feb 1, 2025Deadline for the submission of abstract/papers: June 5, 2025 Paper acceptance/rejection: June 25,2025Deadline for submission of full papers: Aug 29, 2025 Journal of Organisational Studies and Innovation All full paper submissions are subject to a double blind peer review process. Selected papers will be asked to be developed in order to be published in the JOSI (Journal of Organisational Studies and Innovation); JOSI is a double blind peer reviewed journal which publishes high quality articles, research papers, conceptual papers and case studies. If your paper is being selected for publication in our JOSI you would be asked to review your paper and submit the final version restricted to the word limit of 6000 (excluding tables, figures and bibliography) by 1st of September 2025 to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. There is no publication fee involved if the authors are fully registered for the conference. Journal of Organisational Studies and Innovation is listed in the following academic databases and indexes: Thomson Reuters (ESCI) and Web of Science (IF=.1), EBSCO Host, International Scientific Indexing, General Impact Factor (1.5217), SIS, DAIJ, ASI, DRJI. Call for paper is available at For further details and news, please visit or follow us on Important dates Submission of abstracts for review: June 5, 2025 Notification of abstract acceptance: June 28, 2025 (within 2 weeks after submission) Submission of complete/full papers for Publication: September 5, 2025 Early registration: June 10, 2025 Final registration: July 10, 2025 Conceiving and finalizing the Conference program: July 11, 2025 Conference sessions: July 17-19, 2025