Track 1 Business and Management and HRM Conference Chair: Dr David Fuschi The track opens an interesting and fruitful dialogue, endeavour to explore and examine emerging trends and development about a broad spectrum of core subjects, such as : business ethics and social Responsibility, organisational behaviour, business model innovation, human resource management, strategic management, entrepreneurship, marketing theory and applications, information technology management, production and operations management, supply chain management, stakeholder management, innovation and competition, decision analysis, management research methods and managerial economics, etc. The primary conference objective is to provide a forum for the meeting between scholars, practitioners and doctoral students to share their latest research work with other experts. It is an academic forum and encourages professionals and researchers from different areas of business and management study to disseminate the theory and research which would reflect the latest research and developments in both theoretical and practical aspects of business and management. Papers submitted to this track should be new and well verified findings, which meets the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence. The track aims at developing a broader and deeper understanding of the dynamic development and innovation in business management so as to enable managers and policy makers to create a more favourable environment due the radical changes. Track 2 Economics, Finance and Accounting Conference Chair: Dr Hany Elbardan This track constitutes a nexus for academics and practitioners in the field of Accounting and its dynamics. It is intended to receive a critical examination focused on the changing role of innovative Financial and management Accounting, Auditing, Accountability, accounting information systems and wider control systems. It aspires to receive high quality research papers, encouraging contributions that refer to innovations in accounting in the following areas (suggestive but not exhaustive): Accountability; Control Systems; Auditing; Forensic accounting; Integrated reporting; Interdisciplinary studies related to financial reporting and accounting information systems; Cloud Accounting; Management accounting and its implications on corporate governance and managerial decision-making; implications of financial accounting standards (e.g. IFRS) on management systems; relations between corporate governance and accounting systems. Papers submitted may cover a range of research approaches including empirical, case-based analysis, surveys and conceptual studies. The papers may also have an analytical, theoretical or methodological focus. Academics, practitioners and PhD candidates are welcomed to submit their contributions to this track. Track 3 International Business and Hospitality Management Conference Chair: Dr Alireza Nazarian The on-going global crisis that started in 2008 draws the attention of academics and practitioners who attempt to research the trends, organisational practices and regulatory frameworks followed in such a—financially—difficult period. This track invites academics and researchers to contribute papers in the area of international business with a consideration of e-business that plays an important role in the current phase of globalisation. More particularly, papers may address issues on management, governance and regulation raised by international markets and their crisis.Interdisciplinary contributions will have an interest in: The internationalization process; International management issues; International joint ventures, alliances, mergers and acquisitions; corporate governance; Globalization and its impact on companies and societies; Cross-cultural and comparative studies; Head office subsidiary relationships; Post-crisis economic intervention; Foreign Direct Investment; e-Business incorporating e-Commerce; e-Marketing and Social Media; e-Supply Chain Management, Track 4 Organisational Studies and Sociology Conference Chairs: Mr Peter Atkinson Organisational studies have always been researchers’ main focus and subject area of interest over a long period of time. Recently, Leadership styles, strategic management and organizational culture are considering as major catalyst of successful organisational performance. This track invites academics and researchers to contribute papers in the area of organizational studies and leadership. More particularly, papers may address issues on management, and organisational level and their crisis. Researchers and Academics are invited to submit their contribution(s) to this track in the area related to: Culture, National culture, Strategic Management, Organisational Design, Leadership, Entrepreneurship, Business ethics, Organisational Performance, Corporate Social Responsibility. Track 5 Marketing and Entrepreneurship Conference Chairs: Dr Pantea Foroudi Marketing and Entrepreneurship have always been researchers’ main focus and subject area of interest over a long period of time. Recently, brand management, place branding, luxury branding and consumer behaviour are considering as major catalyst of successful marketing performance. This track invites academics and researchers to contribute papers in the area of Marketing and Entrepreneurship. More particularly, papers may address issues on branding, brand management, place branding and marketing mix. Researchers and Academics are invited to submit their contribution(s) to this track in the area related to Brand Management, luxury branding, place branding, consumer behaviour, marketing mix, online marketing, social media marketing.